Previously known as the Marco mug. Porcelain mug with original handle. Combined with the decoration, it allow you to stand out from the competition in a unique way.
A mug developed for Christmas markets. It has a classic handle shape and a straight body, allowing for stacking. The mug has a trait marker showing the capacity of 200ml and the mark of the entity responsible for marketing. The markings comply with the requirements of the European Union
A poreclain advertising mug with polymer cover, which provides protection from accidental spillage. The model is dedicated to active persons and traveling enthusiasts. Owing to the unique internal structure of double porcelain walls, this mug allows for improved thermal insulation. The cover is available in 8 colors: white, orange, red, green, navy blue,...
The premium version of the classic, cylindrical advertising mug design. The product is made of elegant Premium White porcelain that is pleasant to touch.
Metaliniai puodeliai VOX. Pagaminti iš nerūdijančio plieno. Puodelių talpa - 300 ml. Puodelių matmenys: 7,6x9 cm. Greitai ir kruopščiai atspausdinsime Jūsų logotipą arba reklaminį užrašą, paruošime nemokamą maketą suderinimui! Minimalus užsakymo kiekis: nuo 108 vnt.
Termopuodelis TUESDAY Klasikinis cilindrinis keraminis puodelis, kurio talpa 300ml. Šie puodeliai puikiai tinka karštiems gėrimams, tokiems kaip kava, arbata ar karštas šokoladas.