A very popular advertising oval mug with modern, matt glaze. The glossy, colorful inside makes an excellent contrast with the black satin exterior. The mug is available in many color versions.
An advertising mug in a popular, cylindrical shape and matt surface. The model is dedicated to the application of the Magic Mug print - the designs only appear when warm. The matt external surface is serves to "hide" the print when the mug is cold.
A smaller cup from the DIAMOND family with a subtle finish on the bottom of the cup. Symmetrical tabs give it uniqueness and originality on the market of advertising ceramics.
Original mug with interesting decoration effect. A unique mug with interesting horizontal grooves. In combination with inprint, it gives an amazing effect and perfectly catches the eye of everyone around.
Stilingi dvispalviai porcelianiniai puodeliai. Ypač didelis spalvų pasirinkimas! Talpa: 300 mlAukštis: 94 mm Greitai ir kruopščiai atspausdinsime Jūsų logotipą arba reklaminį užrašą, paruošime nemokamą maketą suderinimui! Minimalus užsakymo kiekis: nuo 96 vnt.